Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac 2013 QB11402002EN-M2 产品宣传页

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Mac sYsTeM ReQUiReMeNTs
Intel-based Macintosh running one of the following operating systems:
Mac OS X Leopard (10.5 or later)
Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6 or later)
Mac OS X Lion (10.7 or later),
Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8 or later)
1 GB of RAM Memory
200 MB available hard disk space
Normal (4:3) display resolution: 1024 x 768
Wide display resolution: 1024 x 640
Why Bitdefender?
• Award-winning, corporate-strength security
for the home
• Technology trusted by 400+ million PC
users worldwide
• FREE 24/7 technical support
• 30 day money-back guarantee
sTOP ViRUses aND sPYwaRe COlD – Detect and
remove the Internet threats targeting Mac, Windows, or
Unix/Linux operating systems.
BlOCK PHisHiNG aTTaCKs – Shut-out websites that
attempt to steal your credit card data or other personal
sCHeDUle sCaNs aROUND YOUR sCHeDUle –Plan
ahead and schedule your full system/drive scans in the off
hours, when your Mac is not in use.
QUaRaNTiNe sUsPiCiOUs DOCUMeNTs – Move
infected or suspected files to a special “safe zone”, before
forwarding them to the Bitdefender Antivirus Lab for further
faMiliaR MaC iNTeRfaCe – Use the Bitdefender dock
icon to get access to the most common tasks or to drag &
drop files on it for quick scanning
alwaYs UP-TO-DaTe – Bitdefender continuously and
automatically checks our global databases to keep your
system safeguarded against the latest strains of online
fiND sUPPORT fasT – Enjoy free technical assistance for
the entire duration of your software license
Bitdefender Blocks  
Mac viruses that can:
• Delete valuable files and documents
• Steal passwords or credit card data
• Allow remote control over your Mac
• Cause system slowdowns and crashes
• Disable the firewall and update service