Sweex USB Webcam 100K Retail JA000010/ WC001 产品宣传页

JA000010/ WC001
页码 2
W W W . S W E E X . C O M
English version
The speed with which this installation procedure is completed will depend on your system. 
Once the computer has been restarted you will notice that two icons have been added to your screen being the “video-monitor” and the “videomail”.
The program “Video-monitor” allows you to activate the security camera, make photo’s and send these vi email. Also you can record an AVI-film and
send this film if required.
With “Video Mail” you can send a ‘live email’. The application is made to allow you to send this videomail directly. Ypou position yourself in front of
the camera, you tell you story and you click on the ‘send’ button and before you know the videomail has been send to its destination!