Avaya Integral 5 Easy BNE AR2.X 4999108477 用户手册

页码 254
Installation manual Integral 5 D/E easy
Basic module BNE (control module for I5 E easy)
Short description of BNE
Short description of BNE
Control module for I5 easy. 1x per system required
There are 4 slots on the BNE
Slot 2 (slot address 1)
Slot 4 (slot address 3)
Slot 6 (slot address 5)
Slot 8 (slot address 7)
2-slot and / or 4-slot plug-in module (IOM and LAN)
Single 1-slot plug-in module "DIA" (IOM)
IOM is a connection local to BNE, which is available at all slots. IOM modules can be driven through this connection. IIOM 
modules have no switching matrix control of their own and are generally controlled only by the BNE through the IOM connec-
tion. Max. 96 IOM channels, 48 per BNE/BNS
For an IOM extension using EXE modules, 4 sockets EXP1 thro EXP4 are provided. Each socket drives 8 x 2B channels 
(16 B channels) for further applications
LAN is a 128 B channel connection, which is available at all slots. LAN modules that are connected "draw" this connection 
from their total of available B channels.
LAN modules are intelligent plug-in modules with their own switching matrix control
The LAN connection (LANout) is brought out from the BNE for further applications
4-slot plug-in module at slot 4 and 8, V24 available only at slot 2 (module V24)
BNE has a cold-start switch, which is accessed through a hole in the casing. There is no "cold-start plug".
If pressed for less than 5 sec: Reset, warm start. If pressed for more than 5 sec: Cold start.
Left hand / right hand LEDs, see "LEDs on the BNE" on the back
The BNE can be powered using a separate plug-in mains unit (Vin) or it can be fed from another EXE module (Vin). 
See plug-in mains unit
Max. 1 x CV1 and max. 1 x T8S on a BND. 1 x CV1 plus 1 x T8S permissible on a BND.
Max 4 x EXE between BNE and BNS using LAN