Avaya IPO R9 IPSEC VPN PLDS LIC 273925 用户手册

页码 473
Product Description
IP Office 9.0
© 2014 AVAYA All rights reserved.
Page 314
Issue 27.02.0 (Monday, January 06, 2014)
It is possible to set up a firewall between two LAN segments using the IP Office layer 3 switch. IP500 V2
supports a two-port Layer 3 Ethernet switch with the firewall between them. Both of these switched ports have
their own IP addresses (LAN1 and LAN2) and in order for traffic to pass from one port to the other, a route is
configured in the system’s routing tables.
DHCP Server
IP Office can manage your IP Network for you through its integral DHCP Server. IP Office can be configured to
hold a pool of IP addresses for users on the Local Area Network. When a user powers up their PC, the system
will allocate them an IP address for the duration of their session. The DHCP server also provides the user's PC
with the address of the Domain Name Service (DNS) server and the Windows Name Service (WINS) server.
Alternatively, for customers who have a separate DHCP Server, IP Office can be configured to obtain its
address from that DHCP server or be set with its own static IP address. IP500 V2 has two independent DHCP
servers, each one dedicated to Layer 3 switched LANs.
Leased Line Support
IP Office is capable of connecting to leased line services. 
IP Office WAN services are supported over E1/T1 PRI trunks and BRI trunks. E1/T1 trunks can be configured
to operate in a fractional mode for 'point to multi-point' applications i.e. a single 2M interface could be treated
as 3 x 512K and 8 x 64K going to 11 different locations. When using T1 as a Leased Line it is possible to use
the same circuit for switched circuit services. Not all types of leased line are available in all territories, check
for availability.
Dial-Up Circuit Support
Where the amount of traffic does not justify the cost of a dedicated leased line, the system can provide data
connectivity via ISDN dial-up circuits using its E1/T1 or Basic Rate trunks. Where data speeds greater than a
single channel are required (64K/56K), additional channels can be added to the call as and when they are
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
PPP is an industry standard Wide Area Networking Protocol, that allows inter-working with a wide range of 3
party routers. PPP is used over leased line circuits where a single channel is used to connect the two locations
together. e.g. A single channel maybe a 64K channel on a dial-up circuit or a 256K leased line etc.
Multi-Link Point-to-Point Protocol (ML-PPP)
IP Office supports Multi-Link PPP allowing additional calls to be made where bandwidth greater than a single
channel is required. The maximum number of channels available to data can be set on a service-by-service
basis. When the available bandwidth reaches a user defined limit additional channels can be automatically
added. Similarly, when traffic falls then the number of channels in use can be automatically reduced. If there is
no data traffic on any of the channels in use then all lines can be cleared. Since most carriers have a minimum
charge for calls, the period that a channel has to be idle before clearing is configurable. Through these
mechanisms call costs can be effectively controlled while ensuring that bandwidth is available as and when it is
Frame Relay
Frame relay is a wide area networking protocol based on the X.25 protocol. Individual network connections are
multiplexed over a common medium by the use of Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC). This allows a single
Leased Line to provide connectivity to a number of different locations. Frame relay is currently implemented in
IP Office as a CPE or 'router end' protocol over WAN connections. IP Office supports both PPP and RFC1490
encapsulation with fragmentation of large data packets to provide voice quality of service.
Service Quotas
IP Office can be configured to limit the maximum number of minutes that a service, such as Internet Access, is
available for each user. This is the sum total of calls made and does not include periods of inactivity. Once the
quota has been used the service is no longer available. The quota can be either automatically refreshed daily,
weekly or monthly or manually refreshed by dialing a secure feature code on a handset.