Unify OpenScape Business V1 L30250-U622-B580 用户手册

页码 16
• UC also has provision on the main-
board for up to 50 users (UC Smart). 
For multiple UC users and further 
UC functionality (UC Suite) there are 
extensions by a UC Booster Card 
(for up to 150 users) or a UC Booster 
Server (for up to 500 users).
Your sales partner will assist you 
with selection of the appropriate UC 
• UC software and hardware incl. 
Drag&Drop conference and Multi-
media Contact Center for all models
• All communication interfaces need-
ed for the diverse and heteroge-
neous requirements exist: IP, digital, 
analog and DECT, as well as all cur-
rent trunk interfaces for voice com-
Unified Communication 
& Collaboration
Unified Communication (UC) is a tech-
nology for enhancement of communi-
cation in enterprises and integrates 
various communication media into a 
standardized application environ-
ment. OpenScape Business simplifies 
business processes in enterprises, for 
instance through continuous presence 
management, e. g. automatically for-
ward calls to your cell phone when you 
are out of the office. But the provision 
of dial-in conferences, personal Voice-
mail (voice box), personal fax message 
box, Instant Messaging (IM), use of the 
cell phone as a telephone system ex-
tension, Contact Center, Video and 
Web Collaboration are also combined 
in this standardized solution. UC opti-
mizes business processes, work time is 
saved, employees are more satisfied, 
and enterprises become more profit-
Keep up-to-date on the availability and 
reachability of your team, even when 
they are at different sites!
Use automatically generated presence 
state announcements to inform exter-
nal callers of your status, e. g. "In a 
meeting until 12 o'clock". This also fa-
cilitates making work more effective, 
because your customers can decide 
what they would like to do: Leave a 
message or contact a colleague. 
Change your presence status using the 
UC client or telephone. By linking to 
the Outlook Calendar and the calendar 
for Mac (Ical), the presence state is set 
automatically when certain keywords 
are entered in the appointment.
Drag&Drop Conferences
Save travel costs, exchange informa-
tion fast and effectively: Use the con-
ference capabilities in OpenScape 
Business for this! 
No manual setup of conferences on the 
telephone: Setup conferences very eas-
ily with a few clicks in your UC client, 
or extend a 2-party call from the pop-
up to a conference. Select whether, as 
the conference manager, you would 
like to start a spontaneous or a planned 
telephone conference – with or with-
out Web Collaboration.
Favorites List
Save the phone numbers of your most 
important business partners and fel-
low workers in your personal favorites 
This allows you to establish contact 
quickly without wasting time search-
ing for the phone number.
Automatically search all linked phone 
books (directories in the system, Ex-
change; linked via LDAP or the Open-
Directory Service) with one query! 
This guarantees minimum effort when 
searching for a contact.
Dialing by Mouse Click
You find the phone number of a cus-
tomer in an e-mail or in the internet 
and would like to make contact. No 
problem: Highlight the phone number 
and then dial it automatically! You 
don't lose any time due to having to key 
in the phone number on the tele-
Call Journal
Who has called and who have I not 
reached? The Call Journal informs you 
of this at all times and lets you make 
contact with a click.
Status-Based Call Forwarding
Do you redirect your telephone, to 
your cell phone for instance, when you 
are out of the office? You forget to do 
this sometimes? Then automatic call 
forward will help you. When you set 
your presence state to "Out of Office" 
for instance, your calls are automati-
cally forwarded to your cell phone. Of 
course the mobile client also allows 
you to do this comfortably when you 
are on the road.
You are in a hotel, still have to make 
some business call, and are reluctant to 
take on additional costs? No problem, 
"CallMe!" helps.
When "CallMe!" is enabled, you can 
dial your contact in the UC client. 
OpenScape Business then calls you in 
your hotel room and connects you 
with your business partner. Your com-
pany pays for the costs of the call, and 
you save time.