ADE TD 1203 用户手册

页码 60
 wrap it up!
As carefully thought out as our products is our packaging.
 Moreover it is customer-oriented  
and creating strong purchase impulses. The distinctive and eye-catching design of ADE ensures 
best single-minded orientation of your customers at the POS by clearly placed brand and  
product messages.
Behind our clever messages you will discover smart features
 that initially make a really good 
scale or measurement device. What our products are capable of is explained by the following 
compass of values. This is a powerful instrument for your customer communication as well. 
Wrapped in  
appetizing design –  
filled with  
Solar powered scales
 They are environment-friendly weighing partners for  
bathroom or kitchen. For full operation only normal floor lighting is needed. 
Not more than  100 lux of light intensity are necessary. An efficiently lightened 
room normally has a light intensity of  app. 700 lux.  
Tap on function
 You switch the scale on by tapping on it: a brief tap on the 
surface and after a few seconds you can see 0.0 appear in the display. 
Tare function 
The tare function or add and weigh feature comes in very handy 
for cooking and baking. For instance, if the recipe asks you to add still 120 g of 
butter to the flour and eggs, you press the tare button and thus set the display 
of your kitchen scale to zero: what is weighed then is only the amount added.
Weighing of liquids 
With this feature you can toggle the measuring unit of 
your kitchen scale between weight and volume, gram and millilitre (resp. lb 
and oz). In this way, you can easily add the required volume of any liquid.