Gepco VSD2001-5.99 产品宣传页

页码 2
High-Definition SDI Coax Distances
Gepco International  P. 800.966.0069  P. 847.795.9555  F. 847.795.8770
GENERAL CABLE, GEPCO and TACTICEL are trademarks of General Cable Technologies Corporation. 
©2012. General Cable Technologies Corporation, Highland Heights, KY 41076. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Form No. GEP-0046-1012 
Maximum values represent the approximate 
range at which the bit error rate “cliff 
region” will occur.
In every system the quality of the output pulse, 
the amount of loss that can be compensated for 
by the receiver, the number of passive connectors 
and patch points and the exact amount of cable 
loss will vary.  Because of this, the exact maximum 
cable length possible will vary. The graphs to 
the right do not represent the exact cable length 
possible; they only serve as a guide in selecting the 
appropriate cable type. When installing a cable in 
a system and it is approaching its maximum range, 
it is highly recommended that individual system 
testing and research be done.