Gmw TG UNI 1VDE-tester DIN VDE 0701/ 0702 61000 00100 用户手册

61000 00100
页码 44
8. Conducting tests:
Explanation of terminology
8.1 Touch current (I
Current that can flow to earth via the person handling the device (test
The measurement is carried out between touchable conductive parts of the
test object and the earth.
The measurement can either be made directly or with the differential current
Direct measurement is applicable if the test object can be insulated from
In all other cases the differential current method should be used.
The touch current measurement is carried out on test objects in protection
class II with touchable conductive parts, or on test objects in protection
class I, which have touchable conductive parts that are not connected to the
protective conductor.
The measurement is to be carried out in both positions of the mains
plug - the reversal of polarity is automatic with the tester -
extracting and reversing the mains plug is not necessary.
Also see measuring principle circuits on Page 19.
8.2 Differential current (I
In terms of the standards DIN VDE 0701/0702, this is the total instantaneous
values of all currents flowing through all active conductors on the mains
side connection of the device (test object).
The differential current method is a measuring method for determining
protective conductor current or touch current.
The total leakage current of a test object can be measured. This measuring
method must be applied if the test object cannot be insulated.
Also see measuring principle circuit M6 on Page 18.
Caution! The test object is supplied with mains voltage
during the test.
8.3 Substitute leakage current (I
Current that would flow through the interconnected active conductors of the
device (test object) and the protective conductor or the touchable conductive
parts at nominal voltage and nominal frequency of the device.
This measuring method determines the leakage current without mains
voltage. It is an alternative measuring method for determining protective
conductor current or touch current.
Also see measuring principle circuit M4a on Page 18.
Operating manual for the TG uni 1 appliance tester
Explanation of terminology