Testboy TV 455VDE-tester Testboy TV 455 用户手册

Testboy TV 455
页码 76
Display organization 
RCD tripped-out during the measurement (in RCD functions). 
Instrument is overheated. The measurement is prohibited until the 
temperature decreases under the allowed limit. 
Result(s) can be stored. (model TESTBOY TV 450 (TYPE B)) 
High electrical noise was detected during measurement. Results may 
be impaired. 
L and N are changed. 
Warning! High voltage is applied to the test terminals.  
Warning! Dangerous voltage on the PE terminal! Stop the activity 
immediately and eliminate the fault / connection problem before 
proceeding with any activity!  
Test leads resistance in Continuity measurement is not compensated. 
Test leads resistance in Continuity measurement is compensated. 
High resistance to earth of test probes. Results may be impaired. 
(model TESTBOY TV 450 (TYPE B)) 
3.4.4 Result field  
Measurement result is inside pre-set limits (PASS). 
Measurement result is out of pre-set limits (FAIL). 
Measurement is aborted. Consider displayed warnings and messages. 
3.4.5 Sound warnings 
Continuous sound 
Warning! Dangerous voltage on the PE terminal is detected. 
3.4.6 Help screens  
Opens help screen. 
Help menus are available in all functions. The Help menu contains schematic diagrams 
for illustrating how to properly connect the instrument to electric installation. After 
selecting the measurement you want to perform, press the HELP key in order to view 
the associated Help menu. 
Keys in help menu: 
Selects next / previous help screen. 
Scrolls through help screens. 
Function selectors / TEST 
Exits help menu.