HP E-MSM710 Controller Rack Mounting Kit J9404A 产品宣传页

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Being competitive in a 
changing world
In the current economic climate, businesses are 
looking for ways to get the competitive edge by 
improving the cost structure and raising organisational 
efficiency. Many have to consolidate branch offices to 
cut capital and operational expenses, while having to 
address the critical need to increase the productivity 
of front line employees at these offices. With more 
employees responsible for revenue generation and 
customer relationships being dependent on the 
consolidated IT infrastructure, it is important to reduce 
the risks of business disruptions as well.
Branch Office Consolidation 
Solutions for your business
To accelerate your branch office consolidation, HP has 
developed the solutions to address this specific, critical 
business event with a focus on lowering your Total 
Cost of Ownership (TCO) and boosting productivity 
for both branch office employees and IT staff.
Which scenario fits your business?
Scenario 1: A small consolidated branch office 
supporting 10-15 employees. As a higher 
number of employees share a consolidated office, 
a previous peer-to-peer network can lead to 
significant inefficiencies, compromised productivity 
and operational risks. You can easily address these 
issues by establishing a client-server environment 
that provides faster, more secure access to data, 
reliable backup/printing policies and robust 
network security.
HP Total Care Branch Office  
Consolidation Solutions
Cut costs, lower risks and gain productivity for your business