Atmel SAM4S-EK2 Atmel ATSAM4S-EK2 ATSAM4S-EK2 数据表

页码 1125
Low Level on PIO line 3
High Level on PIO line 4
High Level on PIO line 5
Falling edge on PIO line 6
Rising edge on PIO line 7
Any edge on the other lines
The configuration required is described below. Mode Configuration
All the interrupt sources are enabled by writing 32’hFFFF_FFFF in PIO_IER.
Then the Additional Interrupt Mode is enabled for line 0 to 7 by writing 32’h0000_00FF in PIO_AIMER. or Level Detection Configuration
Lines 3, 4 and 5 are configured in Level detection by writing 32’h0000_0038 in PIO_LSR. 
The other lines are configured in Edge detection by default, if they have not been previously configured. Otherwise, lines
0, 1, 2, 6 and 7 must be configured in Edge detection by writing 32’h0000_00C7 in PIO_ESR. Edge or Low/High Level Detection Configuration.
Lines 0, 2, 4, 5 and 7 are configured in Rising Edge or High Level detection by writing 32’h0000_00B5 in PIO_REHLSR.
The other lines are configured in Falling Edge or Low Level detection by default, if they have not been previously
configured. Otherwise, lines 1, 3 and 6 must be configured in Falling Edge/Low Level detection by writing
32’h0000_004A in PIO_FELLSR.
Figure 30-8. Input Change Interrupt Timings if there are no Additional Interrupt Modes 
30.5.11 I/O Lines Lock
When an I/O line is controlled by a peripheral (particularly the Pulse Width Modulation Controller PWM), it can become
locked by the action of this peripheral via an input of the PIO controller. When an I/O line is locked, the write of the
corresponding bit in the registers PIO_PER, PIO_PDR, PIO_MDER, PIO_MDDR, PIO_PUDR, PIO_PUER,
PIO_ABCDSR1 and PIO_ABCDSR2 is discarded in order to lock its configuration. The user can know at anytime which
I/O line is locked by reading the PIO Lock Status register PIO_LOCKSR. Once an I/O line is locked, the only way to
unlock it is to apply a hardware reset to the PIO Controller.
30.5.12 Programmable Schmitt Trigger
It is possible to configure each input for the Schmitt Trigger. By default the Schmitt trigger is active. Disabling the Schmitt
Trigger is requested when using the QTouch
Pin Level
APB Access
APB Access