Mikroelektronika MIKROE-656 数据表

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mikroPascal  PRO  for  PIC32®  comes  with 
80  examples
  which  demonstrate  a  variety  of 
features. They represent the best starting point when developing a new project. You will 
find projects written for mikroElektronika development boards, additional boards, internal
MCU modules and other examples. This way 
you always have a starting point
, and don’t 
have  to  start  from  scratch.  In  most  cases,  you  can  combine  different  simple  projects  to
create a more complex one. For example, if you want to build a temperature datalogger, you 
can combine temperature sensor example with MMC/SD example and do the job in much 
less time. All projects are delivered with a working .HEX files, so you don’t have to buy a
compiler license in order to test them. You can load them into your development board right 
away without the need for building them.
Figure 7-1: Project explorer window 
enables you to easily access provided 
examples and load them quickly
7. What’s next?
If you want to find answers to your questions on many interesting topics we invite you to visit
our forum at 
and browse through more than 150 thousand 
posts. You are likely to find just the right information for you.
On the other hand, if you want to download more free projects and libraries, or share your own 
code, please visit the 
. With user profiles, you can
get to know other programmers, and subscribe to receive notifications on their code.
More examples