Conrad Digital Thermometer Module With LED Display Kit 192147 数据表

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  Is a cold solder joint available? Please check each solder joint thoroughly! Check by 
using a pair of pincers, whether the components are wobbling! If you suspect a 
solder joint, then solder it again to be on the safe side! 
  Also check that each joint is soldered; it often happens during soldering that joints 
are overlooked. 
  Also keep in mind that a printed circuit board soldered with soldering fluid, soldering 
grease or inappropriate soldering tin cannot function. These substances conduct 
electricity and thereby cause creep currents and short-circuits. Furthermore, the 
warranty of the components soldered with acidic soldering tin or similar materials 
becomes null and void and we can then no longer repair or replace these 
If all these points have been checked and faults, if any, have been removed, then 
connect the printed circuit board again as per the instructions given in 2.3. If no 
component has been damaged through a possibly available fault, the circuit must 
work now. 
The present circuit can now be commissioned after a successful functional test and 
installation in a corresponding casing, under observation of the VDE-guidelines for the 
intended use. 
The equalisation of the circuit is now done at 0°C and 100°C. 
For equalising the zero-point the sensor is held in ice-water and the display is set 
to “00.0” with the help of the spindle-trimmer P 2. 
To do this, a glass of water is filled to half with crushed ice cubes, a little water is 
added, till about half the height of the ice cubes is covered with water. Insert the 
sensor now in the middle of ice, wait for a few minutes and then set the display to 
exactly “00.0” with the help of the spindle trimmer. 
For equalising the temperature (100°C or 36.9°C) two different possibilities can 
be selected: 
 Equalisation with the clinical thermometer 
 Equalisation with boiling water 
Possibility 1: 
To start with, one measures his body temperature by placing a normal clinical 
thermometer in the mouth. The temperature of a healthy human being is about 36.9°C. 
After a few minutes the thermometer is taken out of the mouth and the indicated 
temperature is read. Thereafter, the temperature sensor, cleaned beforehand, is taken in 
the mouth and after a few minutes the temperature read with the clinical thermometer is 
set to 36.9 
C with the help of a spindle-trimmer (P 1). 
Possibility 2: 
In this possibility, one makes use of the fact that boiling water has a temperature of 
100°C, which fluctuates only negligibly with the atmospheric pressure (can be ignored). 
The sensor is now immersed in a vessel with boiling water (must be bubbling properly), 
whereby one must be careful that neither the sensor nor the connecting cable touches 
the floor or the wall of the vessel. After a few minutes the display is set to “100.0” with