Intel G632 CM8062301049304 数据表

页码 134
Digital Thermal Sensor Accuracy (Taccuracy)
The DTS is expected to work within ±5° C over the operating range.
Fan Speed Control with Digital Thermal Sensor
Digital Thermal Sensor based fan speed control (T
) is a recommended feature to
achieve optimal thermal performance. At the T
 temperature, Intel recommends full
cooling capability well before the DTS reading reaches Tj
PROCHOT# (processor hot) is asserted when the processor temperature has reached
its maximum operating temperature (Tj
). Only a single PROCHOT# pin exists at a
package level. When any core arrives at the TCC activation point, the PROCHOT#
signal will be asserted. PROCHOT# assertion policies are independent of Adaptive
Thermal Monitor enabling.
Bi-Directional PROCHOT#
By default, the PROCHOT# signal is set to bi-directional. However, it is recommended
to configure the signal as an input only. When configured as an input or bi-directional
signal, PROCHOT# can be used for thermally protecting other platform components in
case the components overheat as well. When PROCHOT# is driven by an external
The package will immediately transition to the lowest P-State (Pn) supported by
the processor and graphics cores. This is contrary to the internally-generated
Adaptive Thermal Monitor response.
Clock modulation is not activated.
The processor package will remain at the lowest supported P-state until the system
de-asserts PROCHOT#. The processor can be configured to generate an interrupt upon
assertion and de-assertion of the PROCHOT# signal.
When PROCHOT# is configured as a bi-directional signal and PROCHOT# is asserted
by the processor, it is impossible for the processor to detect a system assertion of
PROCHOT#. The system assertion will have to wait until the processor de-asserts
PROCHOT# before PROCHOT# action can occur due to the system assertion. While the
processor is hot and asserting PROCHOT#, the power is reduced; however, the
reduction rate is slower than the system PROCHOT# response of < 100 us. The
processor thermal control is staged in smaller increments over many milliseconds. This
may cause several milliseconds of delay to a system assertion of PROCHOT# while the
output function is asserted.
Voltage Regulator Protection using PROCHOT#
PROCHOT# may be used for thermal protection of voltage regulators (VR). System
designers can create a circuit to monitor the VR temperature and assert PROCHOT#
and, if enabled, activate the TCC when the temperature limit of the VR is reached.
When PROCHOT# is configured as a bi-directional or input only signal, if the system
assertion of PROCHOT# is recognized by the processor, it will result in an immediate
transition to the lowest P-State (Pn) supported by the processor and graphics cores.
Systems should still provide proper cooling for the VR and rely on bi-directional  
Thermal Management—Processor
5th Generation Intel
 Processor Family, Intel
 M Processor Family, Mobile Intel
 Processor Family, and
Mobile Intel
 Processor Family
March 2015
Datasheet – Volume 1 of 2
Order No.: 330834-004v1