Intel C2530 FH8065401488915 数据表

页码 746
 Atom™ Processor C2000 Product Family for Microserver
September 2014
Datasheet, Vol. 2 of 3
Order Number: 330061-002US
Volume 2—SMBus 2.0 Unit 0 - PCU—C2000 Product Family
System Host Controller
Bus Arbitration
The SoC, as a SMBus master, drives the clock. When the SoC is sending an address or 
a command or data bytes on writes, it drives the data relative to the clock it is also 
driving. It does not start toggling the clock until the start or stop condition meets the 
proper setup and hold time. The SoC also ensures minimum time between the SMBus 
transactions as a master.
Bus Timing
Clock Stretching
Some devices are not able to handle their clock toggling at the rate that the SoC as an 
SMBus master is currently. They can stretch the low time of the clock. When the SoC 
attempts to release the clock (allowing the clock to go high), the clock remains low for 
an extended period of time.
The SoC monitors the SMBus clock line after it releases the bus to determine whether 
to enable the counter for the high time of the clock. While the bus is still low, the high 
time counter must not be enabled. Similarly, the low period of the clock is stretched by 
an SMBus master if it is not ready to send or receive data.
Bus Time Out (the SoC as SMBus Master)
The 25 ms time-out counter does not count under the following conditions: