Intel C2338 FH8065501516761 数据表

页码 746
 Atom™ Processor C2000 Product Family for Microserver
September 2014
Datasheet, Vol. 2 of 3
Order Number: 330061-002US
Volume 2—SMBus 2.0 Unit 1 - Host—C2000 Product Family
Controller Characteristics and Operation
Write Disabling to DIMM SPD EEPROM Addresses
Although this controller is not intended to participate in DIMM SPD (Serial Presence 
Detect), an attacker connects its data and clock lines to the segment which includes the 
SPD EEPROM and mount an attack. To prevent this, a write disable (MCTRL.SPDDIS) is 
introduced. If SPDDIS is deasserted, writes are not restricted; however, if SPDDIS is 
set then writes to the address range A0h-AEh are blocked and an error is flagged. 
Writes to addresses outside the range A0h-AEh are not affected by SPDDIS, and reads 
are never affected.
The SPDDIS is read-write-once, and the BIOS Memory Reference Code (MRC) is 
expected to set this bit when SPD is complete. Since the SMBus (Host) controller is not 
intended for SPD, the BIOS must set its SPDDIS at any time in the boot flow.
SMT as Target
The SMT has a fully-functional target interface for other masters on the SMBus 
intending to communicate with SMT. The usage models for this are:
• SMBus ARP Mastering or ARP Target
• Embedded Controller (EC) on SMBus communicating with the SoC 
The hardware aspect of the target interface is highly generalized. Most transactions are 
treated as raw data which are pushed to the firmware, where the firmware transacts 
level activity like protocol detection. Acceleration in hardware is limited to interception 
of ARP Get-UDID and SMBus Block-Read protocols, which require an immediate return 
of data to an external master, and PEC CRC calculation. The other hardware 
responsibility is inspection of enough transaction bytes (e.g., target address, command 
code, UDID) to ascertain the protocol type and to engage the appropriate hardware 
Hardware Buffering for Target Support
The hardware implements a separate 240-bytes buffer to store the bytes it receives as 
a target.
The hardware also implements a separate 32-byte buffer which provides generic read 
data to external masters for any reads that they perform. This is a generic usage model 
in which firmware repeatedly programs the generic read-data buffer register 
(GPBRDBUF) with data, programs a MMIO offset (GPBRCTRL) with address, command, 
and byte count of how much data is present in the generic read data buffer, and 
communicates to the external master the hardware is ready for taking the read (in-
band through SMBus). The external master then launches a block read to the address 
programmed with the command, and the hardware provides the byte count and data 
bytes associated with it.
Table 15-16. DIMM SPD EEPROM Write-Disable Mechanism
Target Address [7:4]
Target Address [0]
(Read/Write Operation)
SPD Disable Bit
SMBus Behavior
0 (write)
0 (enabled)
Allow writes to addresses A0-AEh
0 (write)
1 (disabled)
Deny writes to addresses A0-AEh
and log error (
1 (read)
Allow reads to addresses A0-AEh
!= Ah
Allow writes and reads