Intel C2550 FH8065401488912 数据表

页码 746
 Atom™ Processor C2000 Product Family for Microserver
September 2014
Datasheet, Vol. 2 of 3
Order Number: 330061-002US
Volume 2—SMBus 2.0 Unit 1 - Host—C2000 Product Family
Controller Characteristics and Operation
Hardware-Firmware Flow
When the firmware driver has to initiate a transaction on SMBus, and the descriptor 
ring buffer is not full, the following steps are performed:
1. The firmware programs a 16B descriptor with the attributes of the transaction in 
2. The firmware increments the FWmHeadPtr register.
3. The firmware then sets the Start bit (MCTRL.SS) in the hardware.
4. The hardware continuously checks if a descriptor needs to be processed by 
checking (FWmHeadPtr != HWmTailPtr):
a. Buffer empty condition: MSTS.HMTP = MCTRL.FMHP.
c. Buffer wrap condition: When MSTS.HMTP = MDS, and MCTRL.FMHP has already 
wrapped around, i.e., >= 00h, the hardware reads the 16B descriptor, process 
it and if criteria to increment pointer are met, it wraps to 00h.
5. If a descriptor (see 
) is available, the hardware first sets the InProgress 
bit (MSTS.IP), and then reads 16B descriptor from memory by combining (MD Base 
+ HWmTailPtr) from which it:
a. Decodes the Control Dword for transaction type and other attributes.
b. Loads the Write Data and Read Data pointers as required.
c. For writes, the hardware fetches data from the memory pointed to by the DPTR 
and transmits on wire. For reads, the hardware stores the DPTR pointer so it can 
Direct Memory Access (DMA) the data to that address when data is provided by 
the target.
6. Once the transaction is completed, the hardware does a status write back to the 
Status WB Dword.
7. The hardware then increments HWmTailPtr and send interrupt to the firmware if 
enabled to do so.
a. Before issuing the MSI, the hardware denotes the master completion in SMTICL 
and any error status.
8. The hardware then clears the InProgress bit to indicate it has completed processing 
of a descriptor.
9. The hardware then checks if the Start bit is set. If so, flow follows from #4, else 
from #1.