Intel N2820 FH8065301616603 数据表

页码 1294
PCU – iLB – 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PIC)
Automatic Rotation Mode (Equal Priority Devices)
In some applications, there are a number of interrupting devices of equal priority. 
Automatic rotation mode provides for a sequential 8-way rotation. In this mode, a 
device receives the lowest priority after being serviced. In the worst case, a device 
requesting an interrupt has to wait until each of seven other devices are serviced at 
most once.
There are two ways to accomplish automatic rotation using OCW2.REOI; the Rotation 
on Non-Specific EOI Command (OCW2.REOI=101b) and the rotate in automatic EOI 
mode which is set by (OCW2.REOI=100b).
Specific Rotation Mode (Specific Priority)
Software can change interrupt priorities by programming the bottom priority. For 
example, if IRQ5 is programmed as the bottom priority device, then IRQ6 is the highest 
priority device. The Set Priority Command is issued in OCW2 to accomplish this, where: 
OCW2.REOI=11xb, and OCW2.ILS is the binary priority level code of the bottom 
priority device.
In this mode, internal status is updated by software control during OCW2. However, it 
is independent of the EOI command. Priority changes can be executed during an EOI 
command by using the Rotate on Specific EOI Command in OCW2 (OCW2.REOI=111b) 
and OCW2.ILS=IRQ level to receive bottom priority.
Poll Mode
Poll mode can be used to conserve space in the interrupt vector table. Multiple 
interrupts that can be serviced by one interrupt service routine do not need separate 
vectors if the service routine uses the poll command. Poll mode can also be used to 
expand the number of interrupts. The polling interrupt service routine can call the 
appropriate service routine, instead of providing the interrupt vectors in the vector 
table. In this mode, the INTR output is not used and the microprocessor internal 
Interrupt Enable flip-flop is reset, disabling its interrupt input. Service to devices is 
achieved by software using a Poll command.
The Poll command is issued by setting OCW3.PMC. The PIC treats its next I/O read as 
an interrupt acknowledge, sets the appropriate ISR bit if there is a request, and reads 
the priority level. Interrupts are frozen from the OCW3 write to the I/O read. The byte 
returned during the I/O read contains a 1 in Bit 7 if there is an interrupt, and the binary 
code of the highest priority level in Bits 2:0.
Edge and Level Triggered Mode
In ISA systems this mode is programmed using ICW1.LTIM, which sets level or edge for 
the entire controller. In the processor, this bit is disabled and a register for edge and 
level triggered mode selection, per interrupt input, is included. This is the Edge/Level 
control Registers ELCR1 and ELCR2.