Network Computing Devices Label Printing Scale LSQ-40L 用户手册

页码 27
2). Go to the first IP box and click in it. Enter the first number. Press TAB and 
enter the second number. Repeat for the last two numbers. 
3). Click on SEARCH FOR SCALES. If the network detects the scale, it will ask you 
‘Do you want to add scale?’. Click YES. 
4). The scales information should appear on the screen. If you have more than one 
scale, repeat step 1. 
NOTE: If you get an Enable message, the network did not find the scale. Either you 
entered the wrong IP address, or the network is not configured correctly. If you 
have more than one network configured, you may have to disable the other 
 To set up for North America (USA) operations and currency, on the top of the 
screen click on PARAMETER and then SYSTEM COFIGURATION. 
1). Under the COMPANY INFORMATION tab, enter your stores information. 
2). Under the SYSTEM DATA tab, enter the following information: 
Decimal Symbol = . 
3). Click on SAVE the CLOSE. 
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