Bosch Appliances Intercom System 0 用户手册

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DCN Next Generation Intercom 
en | 11 
•  Click on the name in the list. 
•  Click on the ‘Delete’ push button. 
Another dialogue box will appear, with the text: 
‘Are you sure you want to delete file 
If you still want to continue: 
•  Click on the ‘OK’ push button. 
You cannot delete the currently active file. 
  Setting up special intercom links 
The Intercom software allows you to set up special 
intercom links between conference participants, or 
between participants and interpreters, or between 
interpreters. These special links mean that the 
selected people can call each other directly. 
Normally, intercom calls must go through the 
The special links always have a direction, i.e. they go 
from one person to another. Only one special link 
can come from a single person, but anyone can 
receive as many as the system permits. 
The setting up of special intercom links is carried out 
from the ‘Special Intercom Links’ dialogue box. 
•  Select the ‘Edit’ menu and click on ‘Links...’
The following dialogue box appears: 
Figure 8 The ‘Special Intercom Links’ dialogue box 
This dialogue box contains the following elements: 
‘From:’ list box, with 
‘Delegates’ and ‘Interpreters’ radio buttons 
‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box 
‘Link’ push button 
‘To:’ list box, with 
‘Delegates’ and ‘Interpreters’ radio buttons 
‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box 
‘Special Links’ list box 
‘Delete’ push button 
‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ push buttons 
Determining where the special link begins 
This option allows you to select a delegate, chairman 
or interpreter who can initiate a special intercom call. 
To select a delegate/chairman: 
•  Click on the ‘Delegates’ radio button (if this 
option is not already enabled). 
To select an interpreter: 
•  Click on the ‘Interpreters’ radio button (if this 
option is not already enabled). 
If ‘Delegates’ has been selected, the ‘From’ list box 
will display an alphabetical list of all delegates and 
chairmen that can initiate an intercom call, i.e. those 
have a valid seat number in the currently open 
installation file 
are connected to an intercom handset and cradle 
have not already been used as the ‘From’ part of 
a special intercom link 
Each delegate or chairman will be identified by a 
screen line and seat number, or only a seat number if 
no screen line has been specified. Whether the seat 
number or screen line is displayed first depends on 
which ‘Search’ mode has been selected. 
If ‘Interpreters’ has been selected, the ‘Connect To’ list 
box will display a list of all installed interpreters. 
What is displayed for interpreters is based on 
information contained within an interpreter 
configuration file in the Simultaneous 
Interpretation software module (LBB 4172). If 
no booth/desk numbers have been defined, or 
the Simultaneous Interpretation program is not 
open, then there will be no information 
displayed in the ‘From’ list box. 
Each interpreter will be identified by ‘Booth <N>, 
Desk <M>’
, where <N> indicates the booth number 
of the interpreter, and <M> gives the desk number 
within the booth. 
To select a delegate, chairman or interpreter: 
•  Click on the name in the list. 
If you wish to change your selection, simply repeat 
the procedure. 
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