BlackBerry Home Theater Server for microsoft exchange 用户手册

页码 110
BlackBerry device management process 
Process flow: Activating a BlackBerry device over the 
wireless network
A user receives or purchases a new BlackBerry device.
1. The user contacts your organization's IT department to activate the BlackBerry device.
2. You create a temporary activation password for the user account and communicate the password to the user. The 
password applies to the user account only.
3. To activate the BlackBerry device over the wireless network, the user opens the activation application on the 
BlackBerry device and types the appropriate email address and activation password.
4. The BlackBerry device sends an activation request message to the email account. The message contains information 
about the BlackBerry device, such as routing information and the public keys for the BlackBerry device.
5. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends the BlackBerry device an activation response that contains routing information 
about the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the public keys for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry device establish a device transport key. The BlackBerry Enterprise 
Server and BlackBerry device confirm knowledge of the device transport key to each other. If the confirmation is 
successful, the activation proceeds and further communication between the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and 
BlackBerry device is encrypted.
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends an IT policy to the BlackBerry device. If the BlackBerry device cannot accept 
the IT policy, the activation process does not complete.
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends the appropriate service books (for example, the messaging service book, 
wireless calendar service book, browser service book, and other service books) to the BlackBerry device. The user can 
now send messages from and receive messages on the BlackBerry device.
6. If the user account is configured for wireless synchronization, and if wireless backup and wireless calendar 
synchronization on the BlackBerry device are turned on, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends user data to the 
BlackBerry device.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Enterprise Server process flows