Suunto X9i 用户指南

页码 97
3.7.3. Mark Home
With Mark Home function you can store a position where you wish to return. After 
storing the position, you can start searching for it with the Find Home function.
To store a position:
1. In the Function menu, scroll to Mark Home and press 
ENTER. The Mark Home display opens.
2. If the GPS is on, the device displays the EPE (Estimated 
Position Error) right away. When the EPE = 1m and the 
GPS signal strength indicator shows 5 bars, the position is 
stored automatically. You can accept a less accurate 
position by pressing ENTER.
3. If the GPS is initially off, it is automatically activated when 
you select the Mark Home function. In this case the location is only stored after the 
GPS gets the current location coordinates and can display the EPE. This might take 
some time. 
4. When the EPE is small enough, the location is marked automatically. You can also 
press enter to manually mark the location before the EPE is small enough for the 
automatic marking. However, this way the location information will be less accurate. 
5. When the home position has been successfully stored, the unit displays 
‘WAYPOINT STORED’. If you don’t see this message, mark the home position 
again to be sure that you have the correct position stored in the unit.  
6. To exit the display and interrupt the function, press STOP/BACK. 
NOTE: Suunto X9i uses the GPS for guidance when you are moving. When you stand 
still, the compass bearing shows you the direction to the marked position.
NOTE: The home position is automatically stored when the epe is 1 m and the GPS 
signal bar shows 5 boxes. You can accept a less accurate position by pressing the 
ENTER in the coordinate display. After successfully storing the home position X9i 
3.7.4. Find Home
The Find Home function guides you back to the position you last marked with Mark 
Home. The display is updated according to the selected GPS fix interval. The 1 
second setting updates the display constantly. The 1 minute setting updates the 
display once every minute and when you long press STOP/BACK. The manual setting 
updates the display every time you long press STOP/BACK.