VXi VT1422A 用户手册

页码 529
Creating and Running Algorithms   191
Initializing Variables
Variable initialization can be performed during three distinct VT1422A 
1. When algorithms are defined with the ALG:DEFINE command. 
A declaration initialization statement is a command to the driver's 
translator function and doesn't create an executable statement. 
The value assigned during algorithm definition is not re-assigned 
when an algorithm is run with the INIT command. Example statement:
static float my_variable = 22.95;/* tells translator to allocate space for this */
/* variable and initialize it to 22.95             */
2. Each time an algorithm executes. By placing an assignment statement 
within an algorithm. This will be executed each time the algorithm is 
executed. Example statement.
my_variable = 22.95;/* reset variable to 22.95 every pass         */
3. When an algorithm first executes after an INIT command. By using 
the global variable First_loop, an algorithm can distinguish the first 
execution since an INIT command was sent. Example statement:
if( First_loop ) my_variable = 22.95  /* reset variable only when INIT starts alg */
Sending Data to the
The Current Value Table (CVT) and FIFO data buffer provide communication 
from an algorithm to the application program (running in the VXIbus 
controller). The three algorithm functions writecvt(), writefifo(), and 
writeboth() provide the means to place data into the FIFO or CVT. These 
special functions may be called up to 512 times.
Writing a CVT element
The CVT provides 502 addressable elements where algorithm values can be 
stored (see Figure 7-4 on page 324). To send a value to a CVT element, 
execute the intrinsic Algorithm Language statement 
writecvt(<expression>,<cvt_element>), where <cvt_element> can take the 
value 10 through 511. The following is an example algorithm statement:
writecvt(O124, 330);  /* send output channel 24's value to CVT element 330 */
Each time an algorithm writes a value to a CVT element, the previous value 
in that element is overwritten.
There is a fixed relationship between channel number and CVT element 
for values from channels placed in the Scan List with ROUT:SEQ:DEF. 
When mixing Scan List data acquisition with algorithm data storage, be 
careful not to overwrite Scan List generated values with algorithm generated 
values. See “ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine” on page 323. for controlling CVT 
entries from the analog scan list.