Siemens Building Technologies Field Panel Web Server 125-3584T 用户手册

页码 177
Chapter 10 - Create/Edit 
Siemens Industry, Inc. 
4.  Select the desired device from the FLN Device Name drop-down in the TEC Initial 
Values Editor window. 
5.  Initialize the TEC by clicking the Initialize TEC button. 
6.  Click Save. 
  The Save button will be grayed out once the modification are complete. 
Releasing Points 
1.  Click the TEC Init icon from the Create/Edit bar.  
  The TEC Initial Values Editor window displays. 
2.  Select a panel from the left pane of the TEC Initial Values Editor window to display 
available panels. 
3.  Select the desired panel by clicking the panel name in the left pane of the TEC 
Initial Values Editor window. 
4.  Select the desired device from the FLN Device Name drop-down in the TEC Initial 
Values Editor window. 
5.  Release points by checking the check box in the Release column in the Points 
table. Multiple points can be released at the same time. 
6.  Click Save. 
  The Save button will be grayed out once the modification are complete. 
Section Overview 
This section discusses the following topics: 
  PPCL Editor Overview 
–  User Interface Description for the PPCL Editor 
–  Tips for Using the PPCL Editor 
  PPCL Editor Step-by-Step Instructions 
–  Creating a PPCL Program 
–  Modifying a PPCL Program 
–  Viewing a PPCL Program 
–  Deleting a PPCL Program 
PPCL Editor Overview