Q-Logic 2500 用户手册

页码 366
6–iSCSI Noninteractive Commands
-addchap (Add a CHAP Entry)
SN0054667-00  C
(Add a CHAP Entry)
To add a CHAP entry to the persistent CHAP table, issue the -addchap 
command as follows:
-addchap [-BIDI] <hba_port_inst> <CHAP Name> <CHAP Secret>
The optional parameter [-BIDI]
shows that the CHAP entry is BIDI 
(bidirectional). When this parameter is not specified (default), the CHAP entry is 
Issuing this command resets the adapter. 
(Display ARP Table)
The address resolution protocol (ARP) cache keeps a record of host port 
connections with other hardware (such as targets) on the network. The IP 
address/MAC address pairs are dynamic entries that are removed after 10 
minutes. To view the ARP table, issue the -arp command as follows:
-arp <hba_port_inst>
(HBA Reset)
To reset the specified adapter after making configuration changes, issue the -b 
command as follows:
-b <hba_port_inst>
(Display BIOS/UEFI [or FCode] Information)
To display the boot code settings for the specified adapter port, issue the -binfo 
command as follows:
-binfo <hba_port_inst>
(Update BIOS/UEFI [or FCode] Mode)
Boot code (that is, the bootable code image) is code that allows system boot from 
an iSCSI drive. 
Issuing this command resets both ports (0 and 1) on two-port adapters.
You must disable boot code mode to reset the adapter (see 