Q-Logic 2500 用户手册

页码 366
9–Fibre Channel Interactive Commands
Generate Reports
SN0054667-00  C
Generate Reports
2. Adapter Configuration2. Fibre Channel Adapter5. Generate Reports
From the Fibre Channel Adapter Configuration menu, select the Generate 
option. From the port menu, select a port to for which to generate a 
report. For example:
    Fibre Channel Adapter Configuration
    HBA Model QLE2462 SN: GFC0718P57753
      1: Port   1: WWPN: 21-00-00-1B-32-17-F9-C4 Online
      2: Port   2: WWPN: 21-01-00-1B-32-37-F9-C4 Loop Down
        (p or 0: Previous Menu; m or 98: Main Menu; ex or 99: Quit)
        Please Enter Selection: 1
v1.7.3 Build 38
Copyright (C) 2003-2010 QLogic Corp.
All rights reserved.
QLogic FC/FCoE Common Library
Build Type:  Release
Build Date:  Dec  7 2010 13:44:03
Host Name                      : amd-28
OS Type                        : Linux - CentOS release 5.5  x86_64
OS Version                     : 2.6.18-194.el5
FO API Version                 : 3.0.1 build6
SDM API Version                : v6.00 build12