Netopia R310 用户手册

页码 276
Console-based Management   5-5
Navigating through the console screens
Use your keyboard to navigate the Netopia R310’s configuration screens, enter and edit information, and make 
choices. The following table lists the keys to use to navigate through the console screens.
To help you find your way to par ticular screens, some sections in this guide begin with a graphical path guide 
similar to the following example:
This par ticular path guide shows how to get to the Network Protocols Setup screens. The path guide represents 
these steps:
Beginning in the Main Menu, select the System Configuration item and press Return. 
Select the Network Protocols item in the System Configuration screen and press Return. 
Select the IP Setup item in the Network Protocols Setup screen and press Return. 
To go back in this sequence of screens, use the Escape key.
Use These Keys...
Move through selectable items in a screen or pop-up menu
Up, Down, Left, and 
Right Arrow
To set a change to a selected item or open a pop-up menu of 
options for a selected item like entering an upgrade key
Return or Enter
Change a toggle value (Yes/No, On/Off)
Restore an entr y or toggle value to its previous value
Move one item up
Up arrow or Control + k
Move one item down
Down arrow or Control + j
Display a dump of the device event log
Control + e
Display a dump of the WAN event log
Control + f
Refresh the screen
Control + L
Go to topmost selectable item
Go to bottom right selectable item
Network Protocols
IP Setup