Motorola Stud Sensor 3.1 用户手册

页码 39
Mesh Enabled Architecture 
Mesh Sensor Monitor  
Sensor Templates View Window 
Activating the Sensor Templates View Window displays the configuration parameters for 
existing sensor template in columnar format. 
Figure 18.  Sensor Templates View Window 
Sensor Templates View Column Header 
Template Name 
The name of the template whose parameters 
will apply to the group of sensors being 
Sensor Type 
User assigned sensor type. This can be 
changed using the Sensor Template. 
Offline Timeout 
The period in seconds that must elapse 
between messages before an offline alert is 
displayed in the Alert window. 
View Type 
Options are Scroll View or List View. 
Display Type 
Options are Hex or ASCII. 
Strip Carriage Return characters from 
incoming data strings. 
Strip <LF> 
Strip Line Feed characters from incoming 
data strings. 
Sends GPIO 
If Sends GPIO is checked in the Sensor 
template, GPIO will be reported and 
displayed. If not checked, no information will 
be displayed. 
Read Only 
If a device is configured as read only, you 
cannot send data to that device. 
Accepts GPIO 
If Accepts GPIO is checked in the Sensor 
template, then you will be allowed to send the 
information to the sensor when you send a 