Crestron electronic Surround Sound Tuning Kit 用户手册

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Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit
Professional Surround Sound 
Tuning Kit 
Creston’s Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit for the Adagio
 Media System 
allows custom installers use the Audyssey MultEQ
 Pro PC application to bring 
Audyssey MultEQ
 XT sound equalization technology to high quality listening 
rooms. Audyssey MultEQ
 XT creates an optimum listening experience for every seat 
in your theater using an ingenious equalization solution that automatically corrects 
the time, level and frequency response for each speaker within the space. 
Every listening room or home theater room will add colorations to the direct sound 
coming from the loudspeakers. These colorations come from the natural resonances 
(also called modes) every room has and from wall, floor and ceiling reflections of the 
sound from the loudspeakers. MultEQ
 Pro measures the sound information 
throughout the listening area. Based on these measurements, MultEQ
 Pro calculates 
an equalization solution that effectively removes sonic colorations caused by the 
interaction of sound from the speakers with the room, allowing the speakers to attain 
their best possible performance. 
Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit 
Operations Guide – DOC. 6565A 
Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit  