Carrier Access Network Device Axxius 800 用户手册

页码 568
Axxius 800 - Release 2.2
SNMP Interface
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) enables network operations 
centers (NOCs) to monitor and manage network elements across an internetwork. The 
Axxius 800 supports SNMP through its Ethernet port, which provides access to the 
carrier’s TCP/IP management network.
SNMP Basics
SNMP is a mechanism for managing TCP/IP networks. It works by exchanging 
information between an SNMP Manager and an SNMP Agent. 
Carrier Access also offers NetworkValet® EMS, Java-based SNMP management 
programs for Windows and Solaris computers, that provide a graphical user interface 
to simplify management of the Axxius 800 and other Carrier Access products.
MIB Structure
The SNMP Agent displays network information in a Management Information Base 
(MIB). MIBs are machine-to-machine interfaces that arrange and present information 
according to industry standards such as RFC 1213. MIBs are tree-like structures 
comprising nodes and leaves. Nodes are branch points used to divide information into 
categories. Leaves have object values that can be examined and changed. Common 
MIB objects include system names, performance statistics, and control values.
Control values are typically Integer types. This enables the object’s value to represent 
a specific control selection. Selections are usually written in the “name(value)” format. 
For example, the selection “closed(1)” means that the “closed” state is indicated by a 
value of “1”.