Adobe V6 用户手册

页码 58
I n s t a l l i n g   t h e   P D F   L i b r a r y   a n d   D L I         2 . 3
Adobe PDF Library Installation Procedure
Platform-specific installation procedure notes follow below. After the code libraries have been installed, 
documentation files should be unpacked in the appropriate areas. (They are not automatically installed as 
part of the software.)
If you are reading this Installation manual prior to running the installation procedure itself (e.g. after 
downloading this manual from the Datalogics website), please continue with the installation of the 
software release itself first, after which the documentation files can be unpacked into the directories 
created during the software install, per the directions given in “Documentation Unpacking” on page 2.22.
W i n d o w s   I n s t a l l a t i o n
An installation directory will be delivered with the product on CD-ROM, or made available for download 
from a secure ftp user account on the Datalogics ftp site (
). This directory 
contains all the files you will need to install the Adobe PDF Library and Datalogics Interface.
Before beginning a new installation, you should uninstall any prior releases of Adobe PDF Library and 
Datalogics Interface. (InstallShield itself will check for current copies of the installation; see “Repetitive 
Installations” on page 2.10 for further details.) Next, locate and double-click on the 
program, and InstallShield will guide you through the installation.
NOTE:  Throughout this guide, vxxx is used to denote the version number of the 
product, such as Adobe PDF Library v6.1.0Plus. This formula applies not only to the 
product itself, but also to any generated files or directories which are associated 
with and contain that version number.