Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV 用户手册

页码 440
Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Setting Up Turbo PMAC-Based Commutation and/or Current Loop 
Sine-Wave Mode Command Output Addresses – MACRO ICs (Y-registers), Type 1 Protocol 
IC# - Node# 
0 - 0 
0 - 1 
0 - 4 
0 - 5 
0 - 8 
0 - 9 
0 - 12 
0 - 13 
$078420 $078424 $078428 $07842C $078430 $078434 $078438 $07843C 
IC# - Node# 
1 - 0 
1 - 1 
1 - 4 
1 - 5 
1 - 8 
1 - 9 
1 - 12 
1 - 13 
$079420 $079424 $079428 $07942C $079430 $079434 $079438 $07943C 
IC# - Node# 
2 - 0 
2 - 1 
2 - 4 
2 - 5 
2 - 8 
2 - 9 
2 - 12 
2 - 13 
$07A420 $07A424 $07A428 $07A42C $07A430 $07A434 $07A438 $07A43C 
IC# - Node# 
3 - 0 
3 - 1 
3 - 4 
3 - 5 
3 - 8 
3 - 9 
3 - 12 
3 - 13 
$07B420 $07B424 $07B428 $07B42C $07B430 $07B434 $07B438 $07B43C 
Direct Microstepping Enable: Ixx96 
Set the command-output mode variable Ixx96 to 1 to tell Turbo PMAC it is using direct microstepping for 
this motor. 
Encoder Conversion Table Entries: I8xxx 
Set up a two-line entry in the encoder conversion table (ECT) for each direct microstepping motor to 
process data from the phase position register for the motor.  The first setup line (I-variable) has a “6” as 
the first hex digit, telling the table to read a 48-bit Y/X register, followed by the phase-position register 
address in the last five hex digits.  The following table shows the required first setup line for each motor: 
Motor First 
Motor First 
Motor First 
Motor First 
1 $6000B4 9 $6004B4 17 $6008B4 25 $600CB4 
2 $600134 10 $600534 18 $600934 26 
3 $6001B4 11 $6005B4 19 $6009B4 27 
4 $600234 12 $600634 20 $600A34 28 $600E34 
5 $6002B4 13 $6006B4 21 $600AB4 29 $600EB4 
6 $600334 14 $600734 22 $600B34 30 $600F34 
7 $6003B4 15 $6007B4 23 $600BB4 31 $600FB4 
8 $600434 16 $600834 24 $600C34 32 $601034 
The second setup line of each entry should be set to $00B018.  The first three hex digits specify that 11 
bits of the 48-bit register are to be used.  The last three hex digits specify that these bits start with Bit 24 
of the 48-bit Y/X register, which is Bit 0 of the X register.  In other words, the low 11 bits of the X 
register are used. 
For example, to use the first two lines of the ECT to process Motor 1’s phase position register, I8000 
would be set to $6000B4, and I8001 would be set to $00B018. 
Position Feedback Addresses: Ixx03 and Ixx04 
Set both Ixx03 and Ixx04 to the address of a register in the encoder conversion table that has processed 
data from the phase position register.  Remember to set them to the address of the second line of the entry.  
For example, for Motor 1 to use the result of the two-line first entry in the ECT in the above section’s 
example I103 and I104 would be set to $3502, the address of the second line.  Starting in firmware 
revision 1.937, this can be done by assigning the value to the address of the conversion table I-variable 
(e.g. I103=@I8001, I104=@I8001).  Because the phase position register, with 2048 microsteps per 
commutation cycle, is used for position feedback, one count is therefore defined as a microstep – 1/2048 
of a cycle, or 1/512 of a full step for a 2-phase motor. 
Position Scale Factors: Ixx08 & Ixx09 
Set both the Ixx08 and Ixx09 scaling factors to 32. 
Servo Loop Gains: Ixx30 – Ixx35 
Set the Ixx30 proportional gain term to 8192. 
Set the Ixx31 derivative gain term to 0.