LG Security Camera LRN3040N Series 用户手册

页码 55
•  Notification: Mark up to be notified the unit's operating 
information  according to notification settings by e-mail.
•  SMTP Server: Enter the SMTP Server address.  
If notification option is not mark up and the SMTP server option 
is empty, the SMTP Port, User Name, Password and TLS options 
cannot be set.
•  SMTP Port: Enter the SMTP Port Number. Typically the port used 
for SMTP is 25. However in some cases it is better to change this 
port number for added flexibility or security. You can edit this 
port between 1 and 65535.  
•  User Name: Enter the user name.
•  Password: Enter the password.
•  TLS: Mark up if you use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) 
•  Mail Address (1 to 3): Enter the mail address.  
You can input up to 3 e-mail addresses.
•  Sender: Enter the sender. 
•  JPEG Attachment: Click the check box to send a mail which 
want to attach a JPEG file.
•  E-mail Test: Select [E-mail Test] to test sending an e-mail.
•  The SMTP server, SMTP port no., user name or password 
settings are optional. The system can send e-mail directly 
without the use of an SMTP server or MTA (message transfer 
agent). In certain cases all e-mail should be forwarded to 
a specific SMTP server. Specify the server host name or IP 
address in such a case. For more detail on SMTP setup, ask 
your network administrator and/or mail service provider.
•  [JPEG Attachment] option is operated when event of [Sensor 
In], [Motion Detection] and [Text In] is occurred.
•  In case of an IP Camera, ONVIF JPEG Snapshot feature must be 
supported to attach a JPEG file. 
•  Notification: Mark up to be notified the emergency agent about 
the unit's operating information according to your notification 
•  Host Name/Port: Enter the Host Name and port number of the 
emergency agent program. The factory default port for this 
function is 9002. However in some cases it is better to change 
this port number for added flexibility or security. You can edit 
this port between 1025 and 65535.  
You can set up to 9 Host Name and port numbers.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application 
protocol to exchange the management information of network 
•  SNMP Version: Selects a SNMP version if SNMP is allowed to 
access to this device.  
•  Port: Enter the number for SNMP port.
•  Community String (V2 only): Specifies the SNMP management 
community in which you want to enable this system (e.g. 
lgecommunity or public). 
•  User (V3 only): Enter the security name for the SNMP.
•  Authentication (V3 only): Select a mode for the SNMP 
Authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
•  Password (V3 only): Enter the password for the SNMP 
•  Privacy (V3 only): Select a privacy mode for the SNMP 
Authentication. (DES or AES)
•  Password (V3 only): Enter the password for the privacy mode.
•  Trap IP Address: Specifies the IP address of the computer you 
intend to use as your network management station and to 
which SNMP traps will be sent.