BMW Automobile 325xi 业主指南

页码 160
Technology for driving comfort and safety
Press button 
2 for approx. 5 seconds, until 
the reading shown below is displayed.
Start to drive.
Initialization is completed while the car is on 
the move, without any feedback.
Indication of a flat tire
The warning lamps come on in yellow 
and red. In addition, an acoustic sig-
nal sounds. There is a flat tire or sub-
stantial loss of tire pressure.
Cautiously reduce speed to below 50 mph 
or 80 km/h. Avoid sudden braking and 
steering maneuvers. Do not exceed a speed 
of 50 mph or 80 km/h.
If the car is not equipped with Run-
Flat Tires, refer to page
, the stan-
dard equipment by design, do not continue 
driving. Otherwise a severe accident could 
result after a tire puncture.
At the next opportunity, check the air pres-
sure in all four tires.
If all four tires are inflated to the cor-
rect pressures, the Flat Tire Monitor 
might not have been initialized. The system 
must then be initialized.
In the event of complete tire pressure loss, 
0 psi/0 kPa, you can estimate the possible 
distance for continued driving on the basis 
of the following guidelines:
With a light load: 
1 to 2 persons without luggage: 
approx. 155 miles/250 km
With a medium load: 
2 persons, cargo area full, or 4 persons 
without luggage: 
approx. 90 miles/150 km
With a full load: 
4 or more persons, cargo area full: 
approx. 30 miles/50 km
Drive cautiously and do not exceed a 
speed of 50 mph or 80 km/h. In the event 
of pressure loss, vehicle handling changes. This 
includes reduced tracking stability in braking, 
extended braking distance and altered natural 
steering characteristics. 
If unusual vibration or loud noises occur during 
the journey, this may be an indication that the 
damaged tire has finally failed. Reduce your 
speed and pull over to the side of the road at the 
earliest opportunity. Otherwise, parts of the tire 
could come loose and cause an accident. Do 
not continue driving. Contact your BMW Cen-
The warning lamps come on in yel-
low. The Flat Tire Monitor has a mal-
function or has failed. Have the sys-
tem checked as soon as possible.
Active steering*
The concept
Active steering varies the turning angle of the 
front wheels in relation to steering wheel move-
ments. It also varies the steering force required 
to turn the wheels depending on the speed at 
which you are driving.
When you are driving in the low road-speed 
range, e.g. in a town or when parking, the steer-
ing angle increases, i.e. the steering becomes 
very direct, and less effort is required to turn the 
wheels. In the higher speed range, on the other 
hand, the steering angle is reduced more and 
more. This improves the handling capability of 
your BMW over the entire speed range.
In critical situations, the system can make tar-
geted corrections to the steering angle pro-
vided by the driver and thus stabilize the vehicle 
before the driver intervenes. This stabilizing 
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