B&B Electronics 9XTend-NEMA 485 RF 用户手册

页码 4
Optional Configurations
Out-of-box, the XTend-NEMA RF Modem is configured to provide immediate wireless 
links between devices. The modem's default configuration supports a wide range of 
RF communications.
If the RF Modem must be configured to support specific needs of a data system, 
many programming options are available. The RF modem recognizes an extensive 
set of AT and binary commands. Several of the commands can be sent to the 
modem using the DIP Switch that is located inside the weatherproof enclosure.  
Restoring Modem Defaults
Other Configuration Options
Using the DIP Switch to configure the modem is one of several ways to configure 
modem parameters. Other programming options are available such as using the 
X-CTU Software "Terminal" and "Modem Configuration" tabs. Binary programming 
is also supported.
Since the XTend-NEMA and XTend-PKG-R RF modems operate and behave the 
same, refer to the XTend-PKG-R RF Modem product manual for more information 
about supported configuration options.
Phone: (801) 765-9885, Live Chat: www.maxstream.net, E-Mail: rf-xperts@maxstream.net
Contact MaxStream 
(Office hours are 8am – 5pm U.S. Mountain Standard Time)
Using the RF Modem DIP Switch
The DIP switch allows users to configure the several RF modem settings.
Figure 4.  DIP Switch Se�ings (Se�ings applied only when powering on)
To Restore Defaults
(DIP Switch Method):
Serial Interface
Switches 1 & 2
1 2
TX/RX Mode
Switches 5 & 6
5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
(Optional) Switches 3 & 4
= 2-wire RS-485
= 4-wire RS-485/422 
3 4
=  Point-to-Point
= ON (up)
= OFF (down)
= Restore Defaults
= 4-wire
= RS-232
=  2-wire RS-485
= not used
= User Defined
= Multipoint-
1.  Set switches 1 & 2 of the DIP Switch to 
  their ON (up) positions and the remaining four  
  switches to their OFF (down) positions.
2.  Turn off, then on again, the power supplying the 
  XTend-NEMA RF modem.
If the XTend Modem 
is not responding or 
cannot enter into 
Command Mode, try 
restoring the modem 
to its original default 
parameter values.
Each time the RF modem is powered on, the modem is automatically configured 
according to the positions of the DIP Switch. For example, the default positions 
(switches 2 and 5 are ON (up)) cause the DT and MY parameters to be set to 
specific values each time the RF modem is powered up.
To disable automatic configurations (so modified parameters persist in the modem 
registry on subsequent power-ups), set swiches 5 and 6 to their ON (up) positions.