Behringer Minimon MON800 用户手册

页码 14
MINIMON MON800 User Manual
2.  MON800 Quick-Start Set-Up
Speakers Out A
Digital Monitor
Speakers MS20
Mix in A
Speakers Out B
Fig. 2.1: MON800 quick-start set-up
Please follow the instructions below to set up the MON800 as a 
monitor unit with different speakers in your studio.
Connect your computer or any other line-level source to the 
MIX IN A connectors on the MON800.
Connect your main monitor speakers to the SPEAKERS OUT A 
connectors, and another pair of speakers to the B outputs.
Press the MIX A switch in the SOURCE section.
Use the 2-TR OUT LED display to check the signal level. If the CLIP 
LED lights up, please reduce the input signal level until it settles 
between the -6 dB and +6 dB markings.
The switches A and B allow you to switch the pairs of speakers 
on and off. Activate the A speakers and adjust the desired 
volume with SPK A LEVEL.
Switch off the A speakers and activate the B speakers. Use SPK 
B + C LEVEL to adjust a volume level that is roughly the same as 
the A speakers volume. 
Switch between the two pairs of speakers to check the volume 
levels. Align the volume if necessary.  
By switching between the two pairs of speakers you can 
evaluate your mixes by way of a direct comparison using two 
different monitor systems.