Braun 34443 用户手册

页码 62
Page 6
One-Touch Electronic Con-
trol System:
  The electronic 
control system provides simple 
one-touch activation of Enter-
van power functions.  For your 
convenience, the power features 
can be activated using the OEM 
remote keyless entry transmitter 
or one of the interior switches 
detailed on pages 10-13.  
Passenger Side Power Slide 
  The electronic control 
system activates the passen-
ger side power slide door for 
ramp access.  The slide door 
and lowered floor configuration 
provides 52-1/2" clear vertical 
passageway.  Note:  The driver-
side sliding door is lowered to 
provide clear passage also. 
Ramp:  The fully automatic 
power ramp provides 29-1/4" 
usable width.  The power ramp 
can be manually operated.
Electromechanical Power 
Kneeling Rear Suspension:
“Kneeling” is the lowering mo-
tion of the electromechanical 
rear suspension.  The kneel 
feature reduces the slope of the 
ramp when deployed.  
Lowered Floor from Rear 
Axle to Firewall:
  This feature 
provides additional headroom 
(57-1/4" floor-to-ceiling at center 
of van), and further reduces 
the slope of the ramp when 
deployed.  Note:  The floor-
to-ceiling height is reduced by 
2-1/2" with OEM interior DVD/
rail system installed.  Ground 
  The lowered floor 
results in reduced ground clear-
ance.  Be aware of limited ground 
Ground Effects:  Exterior color- 
matched ground effect panels 
conceal the lowered floor and 
lowered sliding doors.
Floor Track for Wheelchair 
and Occupant Securement in 
Midpoint Lowered Floor Area:
Floor track provided in the mid-
point lowered floor area (Position 
C) can be utilized for restraint of 
wheelchair passenger(s).  Wheel-
chair capacity at midpoint may 
have limitations based on the di-
mensions of specific wheelchairs.
Forward-Facing Wheelchair 
and Occupant Belt/Track 
  One Forward-Facing