Boss Audio Systems BR-1600CD 用户手册

页码 312
Recalling scenes automatically during recording or playback (Auto Scene) 
The BR-1600CD allows you to assign scenes to markers so 
that they can be recalled automatically when recording or 
playback reaches the corresponding marker positions. 
Referred to as Auto Scene, this function makes it possible for 
track faders, effects, etc. to be controlled automatically.
Setting an Auto Scene
With the top screen displayed, move to the position in the 
song where you want settings to be changed automatically.
Hold down [STOP] and press [MARK].
A new marker will be created at the current position. 
Also at this time, a new scene will be created and 
assigned to the marker. All settings for track faders, 
effects, and the like will be stored in this scene. 
In addition, an “S” will appear in the Marker name area 
on the top screen to indicate that a scene has been 
assigned to the marker.
Press [ZERO] to return to the beginning of the song and 
then press [PLAY] to start playback. 
When playback reaches the position of the new marker, 
the scene that you have assigned to it will be 
automatically recalled. In addition, an “S” will appear in 
the top screen’s Marker name area.
Automatic recalling of scenes is not restricted to 
playback and recording; in fact, scenes are recalled 
automatically whenever the current position is moved to 
the position of the corresponding marker, even if 
playback is stopped at the time. It is important to note 
that not all parameter settings stored in a scene will be 
restored when it is recalled automatically. Settings are 
restored for the following parameters. 
• Faders for Tracks 1 through 15/16
• Track mute
• The MASTER fader
• Pan (for Tracks 1 through 15/16)
• Compressors and limiters
• Chorus/delay sends (for Tracks 1 through 15/16) 
• Reverb sends (for Tracks 1 through 15/16)
* Settings can be made to indicate whether or not EQ and effect 
If you wish to store the modified settings, save the 
current song (p. 72).
• A maximum of 100 markers can be created in a single song, 
and this includes both markers with scenes assigned and 
those without. Furthermore, a maximum of 100 scenes can 
be registered. If you try to create a marker or scene that will 
result in the corresponding limit being exceeded, the 
message “Marker Memory Full!” or “Scene Memory Full!” 
will be displayed and this action will not be possible.
• When a new marker and scene are created as described 
in Step 2, the lowest available number will be assigned to 
this new scene.
• Markers cannot be created within 100 ms of one another. 
In such instances, first clear the existing marker, and 
then carry out Step 2 (p. 48).
• When a scene is recalled, there may be a delay of several 
hundredths of a second before the stored settings are 
actually applied to your song. Please note that this delay 
is intentional and is intended to prevent noise being 
generated as a result of sudden changes in parameters.
• If you do not save the song as indicated in Step 4, your 
settings will not be stored.
Clearing an Auto Scene
] or [SEARCH
] to 
move to the marker with the scene assignment you 
wish to clear.
This marker will be shown in the display’s Marker box.
The current marker will be cleared together with the 
scene that was assigned to it. 
If a scene has also been assigned to some other marker, 
the scene itself won’t be erased; only the current marker 
will be erased.
The allocation of scenes to markers for Auto Scene 
can be modified later on. For more detailed 
information regarding the modification of scene 
assignments, refer to “Changing scenes assigned to 
markers” (p. 50). 52 ページ 2007年12月6日 木曜日 午前9時52分