BlackBerry Research In Motion - Blackberry Baby Gym 9780 用户手册

页码 315
Find a picture that you took with the camera
Pictures that you take with the camera are saved to the Camera Pictures folder in the Pictures application. If you have filed
your pictures in other folders, they will no longer appear in the Camera Pictures folder.
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.
2. Click the Camera Pictures folder.
Transferring and downloading media files
About transferring and synchronizing media files
You can connect your BlackBerry® device to your computer to transfer and synchronize files between your device and
computer using a USB cable, or you can use Bluetooth® technology to send media files to or receive media files from a
Bluetooth enabled device.
The USB option in the dialog box that appears when you connect your device to your computer with a USB cable allows you to
drag most files from a folder on your computer to a folder on your device or media card. The media option in the dialog box
allows you to transfer media files that are protected with DRM to and from your device. Both options allow you to use the
BlackBerry® Desktop Software to transfer files to and from your device.
If you want to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated with your media files when you
transfer files between your device and your computer, use the media option in the BlackBerry Desktop Software. To download
the BlackBerry Desktop Software, from your computer, visit 
 and select the appropriate option
for your computer.
Transfer a file from your computer to your device using your device as a
USB memory drive
You must use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated
with your media files when you transfer files between your BlackBerry device and your computer.
1. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.
2. Do one of the following:
• If you want to transfer most types of files, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select the USB option.
• If you want to transfer media files that are protected with DRM, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select
the media transfer option.
3. If necessary, type a password. Your device appears as a drive on your computer.
4. Drag a file from a location on your computer to a folder on your device.
To view the transferred file on your device, disconnect your device from your computer and find the file.
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User Guide