BlackBerry Research In Motion - Blackberry Baby Gym 9780 用户手册

页码 315
Improve voice recognition
You can improve voice recognition by completing a short series of prompts that ask you to say specific numbers and words.
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
2. Click Call Management > Voice Dialing.
3. In the Voice Adaptation section, click Start.
4. Complete the instructions on the screen.
Troubleshooting: Voice dialing
I cannot make calls using a voice command
Try performing the following actions:
• Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.
• If you are using a Bluetooth® enabled device, such as a handsfree car kit or wireless headset, verify that the Bluetooth
enabled device supports this feature and that you have paired the Bluetooth enabled device with your BlackBerry
• Verify that your keyboard is unlocked.
• Verify that the language that you use to say voice commands is the same as the voice dialing language that you have set
in the language options. Certain languages might not be supported.
Related topics
My device does not recognize names or numbers in voice commands
Try performing the following actions:
• Say the first name and the last name of your contact.
• Improve voice recognition of numbers.
Related topics
User Guide
Voice commands