Black Box Appliance Trim Kit ET1000A 用户手册

页码 352
Editing PEPs
EncrypTight User Guide
Pushing the Configuration
After you define the PEP configurations, push the configurations from ETEMS to the targeted PEPs. 
To push ETEMS configurations to PEPs:
1 In the ETEMS Appliances view, select the target PEPs.
2 On  the  Tools menu, click Put Configurations. 
3 Some appliance models must be rebooted for configuration changes to take effect. Rebooting 
interrupts the data traffic on the PEP’s remote and local ports for several minutes. To reboot the PEP 
immediately following a successful put operation, click the Reboot appliances after operations 
 check box on the Put Configurations window. Clear the check box to reboot at a later time. 
4 In the Put Configurations window, click Put to push configurations. 
5 Click Close to return to the Appliances view, and then refresh the appliance status (Tools > Refresh 
Status). If you chose to reboot the PEPs after loading the configurations, wait a few minutes for the 
reboot operation to complete before refreshing the status. 
Related topic:
Editing PEPs
PEP configurations can be edited from ETEMS or ETPM. To simplify the editing process, we 
recommend editing all PEPs from ETEMS, where you can edit configurations and push them to the PEPs. 
If you edit a PEP from ETPM, you will have to switch to ETEMS to push the modified configuration to 
the PEP. 
Related topics:
Editing PEPs From ETEMS
To edit a PEP’s configuration:
1 In the ETEMS Appliances view, select the PEP.
2 On  the  Edit menu, click Configuration.
3 In the appliance editor, modify the configuration. Refer to 
. To change all of the values to 
their defaults, click Use Defaults.
4 When you are done, click OK. The modified configuration is saved for subsequent downloading to 
the PEP. 
5 For the new configuration to take affect in the PEP, you must push the configuration to the PEP. In 
addition, some changes might require you to reboot the PEP.