GE OC6000e Turbine Control 产品宣传册

页码 16
Network redundancy can be implemented on two levels, depending on whether you install 
single or dual media. During normal operation in a single ring, the redundant switch-hub will 
continue to operate without interruptions during a single network fault so there is no impact 
on network operation. In the event of two simultaneous faults, the network is divided into two 
isolated parts and continues to operate in this capacity. When configured with redundant 
rings, the network can handle up to three faults simultaneously.
System Hardware
Operator Management Stations
During loss of an operator station, operation often encounters insufficient operator stations. 
OC 6000e stations support operation, engineering, and maintenance functions from a single 
workstation. Therefore, these stations are mutually redundant in function so the loss of any 
station will not impair proper operation and maintenance of the system.
Controllers in Distributed Processing Stations (DPS) provide the interface with process 
I/O. Control algorithms are configured by engineers through the engineering stations 
and executed in the controller. Controllers can be implemented in simplex or redundant 
configurations per user requirement.
OC 6000e DCS Typical Topology