Pelco Server C1553M-B 用户手册

页码 258
C1553M-B (4/05)
A hotlink is an area of a map that, when clicked, runs a script. Hotlinks are generally used to run a script that loads another map, effectively 
linking the maps. 
If you want, you can omit the script when creating a hotlink. In this case, the hotlink is for information only, to define an area on a map. 
To create a hotlink and place it on a map:
1. Load the map you want to create a hotlink for. The map appears in the map viewport.
2. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > Maps > [map] > Hotlinks. Double-click <Add New Hotlink> in the right pane, or right-click 
Hotlinks in the left pane and select Add New from the pop-up menu. If you move the pointer over the map in the viewport, it changes into 
cross-hairs with ’hot link’ in the lower right corner.
3. Define hotlink area: With the pointer positioned at one corner of the area you want the hotlink, click the left mouse button. Position the 
pointer at an adjacent corner and click the left mouse button. Continue positioning the pointer and clicking until all the corners have been 
defined. A hotlink must have at least three corners. With the pointer positioned anywhere on the map, right-click. The outline freezes in 
place and the Add New Hotlink dialog box opens.
Figure 203.  Add New Hotlink Dialog Box
To create a hotlink that is perfectly rectangular, apply a grid to the map. The corner points of the hotlink will snap to the closest grid 
point. If you want, turn the grid off after you’ve created the hotlink.
Conventionally, a clickable hotlink changes color when you move the pointer over it.
NOTE:  To minimize the CPU workload, hotlinks should be as small as possible. For example, a hotlink that covers half of a map could cause 
CPU performance problems.