Vertical Edge 120 用户手册

页码 70
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Edge 120 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Automatic Redial 
You can use Automatic Redial (AR) to dial the last number you dialed. 
The system will automatically dial the number and then wait for a 
predetermined time for the call to be answered. If the call is not 
answered during this time, the system will hang up and then try the 
call again.  The number of attempts the phone will make is designated 
in the system programming. 
1.  When you place a call and receive a busy signal, hang up. 
2. Press 
Call Operator/Attendant 
The extension that is programmed as the Attendant may receive 
multiple internal calls via the programmed Operator Code. The 
Operator Code is “0” at default. 
To call the attendant (operator), press 

Conference, Meet Me 
Conference is used to join telephone connections together. Meet Me 
Conference simplifies the setup process by assigning eight separate 
conference locations that are joined by dialing the location number (4 
parties maximum). Callers can be transferred easily to these locations. 
Users may simply dial the location number. Outside parties can join 
the conference via the automated attendant simply by dialing the 
location number at the auto attendant greeting. 
Operation – Transfer a Caller to a Meet Me Conference 
1.  While connected to another extension or outside line, press 
2.  Dial the Meet Me Conference destination for this call (390-397). 
3.  Hang up to complete the transfer. 
Operation – Join a Meet Me Conference 
1.  Dial the Meet Me Conference destination to join (390-397). 
2.  Hang up when finished.