Cosmorex SE 业主指南

页码 60
2. Aim Meter Cell (25) at your subject. (For a
practice "reading", aim meter at a brightly-lit
scene or if you are indoors, at a nearby lamp.)
As you do so, you'll note the Exposure Meter
Needle (17) moves to a certain position, then
stops. Holding your camera in this position,
you now .. .
3. Match the Needle (17) by turning the
Shutter Speed Indicator Ring (21) until the
Exposure Meter Circle (16) is centered over
the Needle (117).
4. Your light measurement or "reading" has now
been taken! Any combination of
lens opening (f/number) and shutter speed
appearing in black on the Aperture Indi
cator Ring (20) and Shutter Speed Indicator
Ring (21) will give a perfectly-exposed
picture. For example, in the illustration shown,
these scales show that correct exposure will be
obtained with a shutter speed of 1/125th
second and a lens opening of f/5.6, or a speed
of 1/250th second and lens opening of f/4, or,
any other combination shown on the scales.
5. Now, set the Shutter Speed Dial (5) to the
desired speed by lifting the dial and turning
it until the desired shutter speed
is indicated by the red dot in the center of the
dial. (If the dial won't move in one
direction, turn it in the other