Citrix Systems Network Router NETSCALER 9.3 用户手册

页码 195
LDAP server
Bind DN
Lotus Domino
CN=Notes Administrator, O=Citrix, C=US
Sun ONE directory (formerly iPlanet)
uid=admin, ou=Administrators,
To configure LDAP authentication by using the
configuration utility
1. In the navigation pane, expand System, and then click Authentication.
2. On the Policies tab, click Add.
3. In Name, type a name for the policy.
4. In Authentication Type, select LDAP. Next to Server, click New.
5. In Name, type the name of the server.
6. Under Server, in IP Address and Port, type the IP address and port number of the
LDAP server.
7. Under Connection Settings, provide the following information:
• In Base DN (location of users), type the base DN under which users are located.
Base DN is usually derived from the Bind DN by removing the user name and
specifying the group where in which are located. Examples of syntax for base
DN are:
ou=users, dc=ace, dc=com
cn=Users, dc=ace, dc=com
• In Administrator Bind DN, type the administrator bind DN for queries to the
LDAP directory. Examples for syntax of bind DN are:
domain/user name
ou=administrator, dc=ace, dc=com (for Active Directory)
cn=Administrator, cn=Users, dc=ace, dc=com
For Active Directory, the group name specified as cn=groupname is required.
The group name that is defined in the NetScaler must be identical to the group
name that is defined on the LDAP server. For other LDAP directories, the group
name either is not required or, if required, is specified as ou=groupname.
The NetScaler binds to the LDAP server, using the administrator credentials, and
then searches for the user. After locating the user, the NetScaler unbinds the
administrator credentials and rebinds with the user credentials.
• In Administrator Password and Confirm Administrator Password, type the
administrator password for the LDAP server.
Chapter 1
 Authentication and Authorization