Lynx L27PSFR3LP 业主指南

页码 48
lynx products are known for 
their attractive appearance. 
we achieve this by selecting 
only the finest grades of 
stainless steel and applying 
exacting workmanship.
in order to maintain this at-
tractive appearance over the 
life of the grill it is important 
to take the following steps:
► after each use wipe down 
the exterior of the grill to 
remove grease and splatters.
► Be sure to follow the 
cleaning instructions for 
keeping the grates and 
burners clean and ready for 
► use a commercially 
available stainless steel 
cleaner to clean and polish 
the exterior surfaces.
doing these things on a 
regular basis minimizes the 
amount of effort required.
part of the appeal of your lynx 
Grill is the fine grain finish. 
when removing stubborn 
► do not use metallic 
abrasives and always rub in 
the direction of the grain.
► some household cleaning 
products are not suitable for 
stainless steel; be sure to read 
the label before using on your 
lynx grill.
► always use the mildest 
cleaning solution first, 
scrubbing in the direction of 
the grain. specks of grease 
may gather in the grain of the 
stainless steel and bake on to 
the surface, giving the appear-
ance of rust. 
to remove these baked-on 
foods use a fine to medium 
grit non-metallic abrasive pad 
(scotch Brite is good) in con-
junction with a stainless steel 
► solutions used for 
cleaning concrete and 
masonry can be very 
corrosive and will ‘attack’ 
stainless steel. ensure your 
lynx products are well 
protected before you allow 
the use of such chemicals 
near your grill.
specIal note for 
locatIons near pools 
and coastal areas
the 304 stainless steel 
material used in the con-
struction of a lynx grill is 
highly rust resistant, however, 
chlorine in the air from 
swimming pools or the salt 
from sea air may cause surface 
rust to appear and even 
create some pitting if left on 
the product. 
here are a few tips to avoid 
► Regularly wipe down the 
exterior surfaces with a damp 
cloth. (Micro fiber cloths such 
as ecloth perform very well).
► allow the surfaces to dry 
before installing the cover. 
–do not cover a damp grill.
► in extreme environments 
apply a rust inhibitor which 
leaves a microscopic protec-
tive layer on the grill. products 
that provide a layer of vapor 
corrosion inhibitors (Vpci™) 
protect the surface very well.
► for seasonal storage use 
the product referred to above, 
ensure the grill is dry and then 
cover and secure the cover to 
minimize the amount of damp 
air getting to the surfaces.
the lynX limited life time 
waRRanty pRoVides pRo-
tection against Rust 
thRough of paRts that 
RendeR the pRoduct 
inopeRatiVe. it does 
not coVeR occasional 
suRface Rust oR staining 
due to enViRonmental 
After your first use certain 
areas of the grill may discolor 
from the intense heat given off 
by the burners - this is normal 
and cannot be cleaned off. 
for light and heavy food 
stains there are many different 
stainless steel cleaners 
drIp tray 
the drip tray should be 
cleaned after each use.  after 
the grill is completely cool, 
remove the drip tray by 
pulling it out until it stops, 
then lifting the front edge 
until the drip tray comes free. 
staInless steel