Viking LVDOT730SS 业主指南

页码 56
Getting Started
Safety Precautions
Install or locate this appliance only in 
accordance with the provided installation 
instructions. Be sure your appliance is 
properly installed and grounded by a 
qualifi ed technician.
ALWAYS adjust the racks in the oven 
cavity while the oven is cool. If rack must 
be moved while the oven is hot, DO NOT 
let a potholder contact the heating 
elements in the oven. Oversized foods or 
metal utensils should not be inserted in 
a microwave/toaster oven, as they may 
create a fi re or risk of electric shock. 
Some products, such as whole eggs and 
sealed or unopened food containers —for 
example, sealed glass jars—may explode 
due to a buildup of vapor and should NOT 
be heated in this oven. 
Use care when opening oven door—let 
hot air or steam escape before removing 
or replacing food.
This appliance should be serviced only 
by qualifi ed service personnel. Contact 
Viking Range, LLC at 1-888-(845-4641) for 
examination, repair, or adjustment.
Use this appliance only for its intended 
purpose as described in this manual. 
DO NOT use corrosive chemicals or 
vapors in this appliance. This oven is 
specifi cally designed to heat or cook 
food and is not intended for laboratory or 
industrial use. DO NOT use the oven to 
warm or heat a room.
•   DO NOT store fl ammable materials in this 
oven or near surface units. DO NOT store 
any materials, other than manufacturer’s 
recommended accessories, in this oven 
when not in use.
DO NOT attempt to repair or replace any 
part of this oven unless it is specifi cally 
recommended in this manual. All other 
servicing should be referred to a qualifi ed 
DO NOT use aluminum foil to cover 
contents, racks, or any part of the 
Speedcook Oven. Prolonged use can 
cause overheating and damage the 
microwave components. Use in the Lower 
Oven is permissible.
•   DO NOT use moist or damp potholders. 
Moist or damp potholders on hot surfaces 
may result in burns from steam. DO NOT 
let a potholder touch the heating 
elements. DO NOT use a towel or other 
bulky cloth.
DO NOT allow children to operate without 
adult supervision. Children should not be 
left alone or unattended in the area where 
this appliance is in use. They should never 
be allowed to sit or stand on any part of 
the oven.
DO NOT operate this appliance wearing 
loose-fi tting or hanging garments.
DO NOT operate this appliance if it has 
a damaged cord or plug, is not working 
properly, or has been damaged or 
•   DO NOT cover or block any openings 
on this appliance. Keep oven vent ducts 
•  DO NOT store this appliance outdoors.
DO NOT use this appliance near water— 
for example, in a wet basement or near a 
swimming pool.
DO NOT use water on grease fi res. 
Smother fi re or fl ame or use dry chemicals 
or a foam-type extinguisher.
Please Read and Follow!
When using electrical appliances, the 
following basic safety precautions should 
be followed to reduce the risk of burns, 
electric shock, fi re, injury to persons, or 
exposure to microwave energy: