Lynx LSB13 使用和维护

页码 28
Side burner acceSSory care & uSe/inStallation
TesTing The insTallaTion
Before turning the gas supply on, check for proper installa-
tion using the following test:
1.  Plug the transformer back into the receptacle.
2.  Push in the gas control knob on your accessory and 
watch the igniter. It should glow bright and steady.
3.  Turn on the light switch on the grill. Both the grill and 
the grill accessory lights should operate together. This 
indicates a proper assembly. 
Turn the gas on to all appliances. 
4.  Perform a leak test if you have not done so since 
plumbing the unit.
5.  Check all burners for proper ignition. Refer to the Light-
ing Instructions for Side Burners.
Leak TesTing 
Leak Test Procedure:
1.  Create a soapy solution of 1 part soap and 3 parts 
2.  Confirm that all control knobs are in the off position. 
3.  Turn on the fuel supply. For natural gas, turn the valve 
handle 1/4 turn to align with the gas flow. 
4.  For LP, turn the cylinder valve knob counter clockwise 
one full rotation. 
5.  Apply the soap solution generously by paint brush or 
squirt bottle on all connections and fittings. 
6.  If bubbles appear to “grow” on any of the connections, 
you have a gas leak. IMMEDIATELY turn off the gas 
Fixing a gas Leak 
To prevent fire or explosion hazard, DO NOT smoke 
or allow any potential source of ignition (sparks, 
electrical arcing, etc) in the area while performing a 
leak test. Leak tests should be conducted outdoors 
only. Never conduct a leak test using fire or flame.
1.  Shut off the gas supply
2.  Turn all grill controls to the “ON” position to purge the 
grill of any gas build-up, then turn the controls back 
3.  Wash off the soapy solution with cold water and dry. 
4.  Tighten the loose joint, or replace the faulty part with 
manufacturer-recommended replacement parts. 
5.  DO NOT attempt to repair the LP cylinder valve if it is 
damaged. The only way to safely resolve a damaged 
cylinder is to REPLACE IT. 
6.  Repeat the leak test to ensure that no leaks are present.