Toshiba P30 Series 用户手册

页码 165
User’s Manual
RAM:  random access memory
ROM:  read only memory
RTC:  real time clock
SCSI:  small computer system interface
TFT:  thin-film transistor
USB:  Universal Serial Bus
VESA:  Video Electronic Standards Association
VGA:  video graphics array 
XGA:  extended graphics array
adaptor:  A device that provides an interface between two dissimilar 
electronic devices. For example, the AC adaptor modifies the power 
from a wall outlet for use by the computer. This term also refers to 
the add-in circuit cards that control external devices, such as video 
monitors and magnetic tape devices. 
application:  A group of programs that together are used for a specific task 
such as accounting, financial planning, spreadsheets, word 
processing and games.
ASCII:  American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII code 
is a set of 256 binary codes that represent the most commonly used 
letters, numbers, and symbols.
BIOS:  Basic Input Output System. The firmware that controls data flow 
within the computer. See also firmware.
  Derived from "binary digit," the basic unit of information used by the 
computer. It is either zero or one. Eight bits is one byte. See also 
boot:  Short for bootstrap. A program that starts or restarts the computer.  
The program reads instructions from a storage device into the 
computer’s memory.
bps:  Bits per second. Typically used to describe the data transmission 
speed of a modem.
buffer:  The portion of the computer’s memory where data is temporarily 
stored. Buffers often compensate for differences in the rate of flow 
from one device to another.
bus:  An interface for transmission of signals, data or electric power.
byte:  The representation of a single character. A sequence of eight bits 
treated as a single unit; also the smallest addressable unit within the 